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ØIn this paper we have focused Maintaining the water balance of withdrawals and recharge is vital for managing human impact on groundwater resources.
ØFurthermore, there is no mechanism for allocating groundwater nor regulating its use.
ØAny landowner can install a tube well and begin pumping groundwater to the extent of his satisfaction.
ØVarious options for Lahore aquifer management should be designed to achieve the following objectives:-
1.Groundwater mining balance can be reduced or even made zero by supply and demand side management.
2. Through appropriate adoption of regulation policy and strategic actions such as building recharge structures in Ravi bed for groundwater recharge during wet years, the current worrying situation can be reversed to preserve and improve the groundwater quality and to ensure its availability on equitable and sustainable basis.
§Each and every use of existing groundwater above 0.20 cusecs should be registered with all the allied information regarding his borehole and quantum of pumping.
§Each new user should be required to get a permit before installation of pumping equipment .
§Monitoring of waste disposal at key points should be done to act as guiding tool for finding point sources of major pollution in the surface drains.

§ It is recommended that all sewerage being disposed into the Ravi River should be conveyed in to a lined channel built along side the edge of the river bed. This can help reducing the pollution loads to the aquifer.
§ Every user of groundwater should be charged with certain amount of groundwater development and management surcharge.
§Why this Happens:
The Lahore city does not have any rainwater or surface water recharge mechanism or entitlement to any river supplies.
No regulation exists with respect to installation of groundwater pumps and the volume extracted there from by any individual, community or industry.
Farmers living near the drain frequently use its water for irrigation.
Many of the industries particularly the small one and municipal waste is being discharged into the surface drains in and around the Lahore city.


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