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How any city can turn into a healthy city .. ?

What is A Healthy City ?
healthy city is one that is continually creating and improving those physical and social environments and expanding those community resources which enable people to mutually support each other in performing all the functions of life and developing to their maximum potential.
Qualities of A Healthy City :
1. A clean, safe physical environment of high quality (including housing quality)
2. An ecosystem that is stable now and sustainable in the long term.
3. A strong, mutually supportive and non-exploitive community.
4. A high degree of participation and control by the public over the decisions affecting their lives, health and well being.
5. The meeting of basic needs (for food, water, shelter, income, safety and work) for all the city's people.
6. Access to a wide variety of experience and resources with the chance for a wide variety of contact , interactions and communication.
7. A diverse, vital and innovative city economy.
8. The encouragement connectedness with the past, with the cultural and biological heritage of city dwellers and with the other groups and individuals.
9. A form that is compatible with and enhances the preceding and characteristics.
10. An optimum level of appropriate public health and sick care services accessible to all, and
11. High health status (high levels of positive health and low level of disease).
While we talking about A Healthy City, there is six characteristics of a Healthy City projects :

1. Commitment to health :

They are based upon a commitment to health. They affirm the holistic nature of health, recognizing the interaction between its physical, mental, social and spiritual dimensions. Promotion of health and prevention of disease are their priorities. They assume that health can be created through the cooperative efforts of individuals and groups in the city.
2. Political decision-making :
They require political decision-making for public health. Housing, environment, education, social service and other programms of city government have a major effect on the state of health in cities. Healthy Cities projects strengthen the contribution of such programms to health by influencing the political decisions of city council.
3. Inter sectional action  :

They generate inter sectoral action. The term “inter sectoral action” describes the process through which organizations working outside the health sector change their activities so that they contribute more to health. Urban planning which supports physical fitness by providing ample green space for recreation in the city is an example of inter sectoral action. Healthy Cities projects create organizational mechanisms through which city departments and other bodies come together to negotiate their contribution to such action.
4. Community participation :
They emphasize community participation. People participate in health through their lifestyle choices, their use of health services, their views on health issues and their work in community groups. Healthy Cities projects promote more active roles for people in all of these areas. They provide means by which people have a direct influence on project decisions and, through the project, on the activities of city departments and other organizations.
5. Innovation :

They work through processes of innovation. Promoting health and preventing disease through inter sectoral action requires a constant search for new ideas and methods. The success of Healthy Cities projects depends upon their ability to create opportunities for innovation within a climate that supports change. Projects do this by spreading knowledge of innovative methods, creating incentives for innovation and recognizing the achievements of those who experiment with new policies and programms.
6. Healthy public policy :
Their outcome is healthy public policy. The success of Healthy Cities projects is reflected in the degree to which policies that create settings for health are in effect throughout the city administration. Projects achieve their goals when homes, schools, workplaces and other parts of the urban environment become healthier settings in which to live. Political decisions, intersectoral action, community participation and innovation promoted through Healthy Cities projects work together to achieve healthy public policy.
To achieve the goal of a healthy city, the quality of life of people living in the area must be good, and for that we need to follow certain steps as ;

1.An Individual needs;
(a). A Home and .
(b). Money for buy a Home.
(c). Access to Good Food.
(d). A sense of Safety & Belongings.
(e). Plenty of opportunities for Working, Playing, Connecting & Learning.
We make certain Objectives to Achieve the Goal of being A Healthy City ;
Relocating of particular Industries due to which pollution occurs and by taking this steps will be helpful in many ways:
Less traffic load on inner roads.
Concentrated  Density of housing and population are moved or relocated.
Ground water scarcity and polluting the water ways are reduced.
 When we talk about Relocating of industries, we only want to relocating the industrial plant, not as a whole , we change the character of industries as they relocated. For example, in the manufacturing industry, we interchange with assemble / processing industries, or we try to put Agro-based industry in place of those who relocated on peripheral.
When we talk about Dual Income, there is vocational training institute for the women in which they learn skill development and join in the industries .
For improving the quality of life economy is the main parameter, so theory of Dual Income will be helpful in the particular location where density of Housing & Population are larger.
 As for being a Healthy City, Education is another most important parameter among the people, absence of this  making difficulties in many ways, for them and for developers/govt.  If applied there, it will be a door for the people of Faridabad to an IT Hub as Guru gram,
1. Getting Started:
build support group ·

understand ideas ·
know the city ·
find finances
decide organization ·
prepare proposal ·
get approval .
2. Getting Organized.
Appoint committee
analyze environment ·
define project work
set-up office ·
plan strategy
build capacity
establish accountability
3. Taking Action:
increase health awareness
advocate strategic planning
mobilize inter sectoral action
encourage community participation ·
promote innovation
secure healthy public policy .


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