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Goverdhan eco village (vedic principles)

Project Overview
Location : Galtre,wada Thane, Maharashtra
Land : 70 acres
Total built up area : 2400.65 sqmt.
Energy consumption reduction :57% reduction in energy consumption compared to griha benchmark
Energy performance index (EPI) :37.5 KWH/m2/year
Renewable energy : rated capacity of solar PV installed on site is 39 kw
GRIHA provisional rating : 5 star
Year of completion :2012
Architect team :Biome environmental solution ,Bangalore

It is based on the Vedic principle of living
In the ancient past, in Vedic times, life was focused on service to the world and its inhabitants – both human and animal – not their exploitation. This was the essence to leading a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. With this positive attitude of nurture and service, GEV showcases this profound principle of ‘simple living, high thinking’, and its relevance in today’s world.
Srila Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), frequently encouraged his disciples to adhere to this principle by developing farm communities for healthful and ecological living
At GEV you will experience a life that is socially, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually joyful, based on a sustainable sensitivity to the environment.
 Civil facilities were required to house the community and several  facilities.
We had to minimize –
{ resource consumption
{ waste generation
{ overall adverse ecological impact
By implementing the Five R philosophy
v Refuse
v Reduce
v Reuse
v Recycle
v Reinvent
v Preserve existing Vegetation/or plant new trees as per GRIHA Norms
v Proper timing of Construction w.r.t. rains. Start after Monsoon and finish before next Monsoon.
v Confine Construction Activity to only few select parts of the Campus
v Erosion and sedimentation control
v Preserve topsoil and use it for Raised Bed Agriculture
v Waste segregation, recycle and reuse
Govardhan Eco Village (GEV) is a humble attempt to highlight the importance of living in harmony with nature and using the gifts that Nature and God have bestowed upon us to serve the society by setting up a model farm community. Our aim is to create aesthetical and comfortable structures for the residents and guests, while not breaking the harmony with nature and our immediate surroundings. You will observe in the process how GEV has taken initiative to uphold the balance of  sustainability concept and community needs.
Smart Sourcing : To reduce the overall carbon foot print, 90% of the materials were sourced from within 100 Kms radius of our facility.

Zoned Construction: Construction activity was not allowed to spread all throughout the campus. It was restricted to only some areas with all the brick production units strategically  placed near those areas to minimize transportation.

Mud is the essence :
Simple, Natural Mud was the key constituent of the construction materialFOUNDATION                    
ØPcc with stabilized mud.
ØStone masonry with stabilized mud mortar.
ØConcrete short pole (as bond stone).
WALL : stabilized mud block
ØQuarry dust
ØRecycled wood POINTING  
ØStabilized mud mortar
ØIn -toilets cement plaster
ØRest-mud plaster
ØArch panel with mud tiles
ØMangalore tiles (burnt clay tiles)
Stone masonry with
stabilized mud
mortar & concrete
short poles (as bond

The activities of the community in GEV require energy resources. Located in the rural stronghold of the Thane district, energy is hard to come by. Let us consider two factors here
ØDepending on them will cause a strain to our nation’s depleting resources.
ØThe cost of procurement of resources was running high and causing constraint into our budget.
To implement a sustainable and cost-effective method, to reduce the dependency on conventional sources of energy.
The Alternative
Bio Gas Energy Biomass is a renewable energy resource derived from the carbonaceous waste of various human and natural activities. Biomass does not add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere as it absorbs the same amount of carbon in growing as it releases when consumed as a fuel.
Solar Energy GEV has exposure to sunlight for most part of the year and management identified certain unusable open areas to install panels to harness solar energy.
Animal Driven Prime Mover Bulls not only contribute in ploughing the farmland, but also help substitute power requirement for couple of processes, which we shall study further
Ample availability of Food Waste: Apart from our own kitchen waste, we have two free mid-day meal projects within a radius of about 30 km. Together they cater to lunch requirements of about 80,000 children a day. They have  a potential of providing about 1.5 tons/day of vegetable waste and left over food. The biodegradable waste, when allowed to decompose naturally, would lead to release of methane, which is a much more damaging greenhouse gas as compared to carbon di-oxide. Hence a dual benefit of generating energy and curtailing green-house effect is achieved.
Organic Manure: The left over slurry, after the removal of biogas, acts as excellent organic manure in a very easily dispensable form. Since in GEV we have a “zero chemical” agricultural policy, this slurry is fulfilling the role  of other expensive organic manures.

Waste management
Soil Biotechnology (SBT)
Water is an excellent medium for transfer, owing to its ability to flow and carry solid matter with it. That solves the issues about waste collection, but it creates a  problem with waste treatment. Water is not the best medium to decompose matter. However, research by one of our researchers, Dr. Biplab Patanaik at IITB showed that  Soil is an excellent natural medium for decomposing solid wastes. His breakthrough  research at IITB showed that the best sewage treatment system would be an integration  of these systems
 A system that uses water as a medium for waste collection and soil as a medium for waste treatment. Such a system would consume little energy and would integrate in a seamless manner with the natural cycles of environment.
The Process
Soil Bio Technology
The SBT system consists of an impervious containment and incorporates soil, formulated granular filter media, select culture of macro organisms such as  earthworms and plants . Combined grey and black water from GEV cottages are collected and transported via underground sewage network to a central
collection point.
Primary treatment unit: The physical separation is accomplished in primary treatment unit consisting of Equalization tank, perforated screen and gravity settling tank.
The Secondary treatment: is combination of physio-chemical and biological processes in an engineered ecosystem. In this unit waste water is processed in an ecosystem consisting of soil, bacterial culture and geophagus earthworm, mineral additives and select plants. Formulated natural mineral additives and biological cultures are also included in the process in order to renovate the wastewater to the desired quality.
The process by design integrates with the natural bio-geochemical cycles of nature. Purification takes place by adsorption, filtration and biological reaction. The process operates in aerobic mode; thus eliminating possibility of foul odour.
The processed water can be reused in gardening, agriculture and support marine life. The capacity of the SBT system is 30 KLD and operates in an 8hr/day cycle.


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