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Marriage between Nature and City (by C.A. Doxiadis)

WHAT HAPPENS? you cannot help a man unless you understand him and his problems. I hear cries,speeches, promises and declarations about restoring the balance between Man and Wildlife, but I do not see any action on the scale we need. love story between Man and Wildlife, with all sorts of lovers, from real to false, from learned to uninformed, from honest to dishonest, from those who work for the benefit of Man and Nature to those who work for their own profit. Man has had similar love stories and experiences throughout his history. As a hunter for hundreds of thousands of years, and as a farmer and small-city dweller for thousands of years, he always managed to turn his love into marriage, establishing a balance between himself and Wildlife. We will follow the same road, I say, and I go to sleep. Then I have a nightmare because I remember that Man has achieved all this by trial and error. How many hunters have gone hungry because of burned forests, and how many farmers have f

EKISTICS (An Understanding as Urban Planner) Part-02

Basic Principles of Ekistics • MAXIMIZATION OF HUMAN POTENTIALS –in a certain area, man will select the location which permits a maximum of potential contact • MINIMIZATION OF EFFORTS –a minimum of effort, terms of energy, time and cost Man selects the most convenient routes • OPTIMIZATION OF MAN’S PROTECTIVE SPACE • OPTIMIZATION OF MAN’S RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS  ENVIRONMENT • OPTIMIZATION OF FOUR PREVIOUS  PRINCIPLES Classification of human settlements BY EVOLUTIONARY PHASES • Macro scale- nomadic, agricultural, urban, urban industrial; • Micro scale- specific area at a limited period of time BY FACTORS & DISCIPLINES ISLAMABAD-- THE CREATION OF NEW CAPITAL    Islamabad, the new Capital of Pakistan, planned by Constantinos A. Doxiadis and Doxiadis Associates in the late 1950s, is now a fast-growing city of about 1.5 million inhabi tants, forming, together with the adjacent old city of Rawalpindi and a National Park,

EKISTICS (An Understanding as Urban Planner)

• The term Ekistics was coined by Greek architect and urban planner Konstantinos Apostolos Doxiadis in 1942. • Applies to the science of human settlements . • Includes regional, city, community planning and dwelling design. This science, termed Ekistics , will take into consideration • the principles man takes into account when building his settlements , as well • as the evolution of human settlements through history in terms of size and quality . • The target is to build the city of optimum size , that is, a city which respects human dimensions. • Since there is no point in resisting development, we should try to accommodate technological evolution and the needs of man with in the same settlement. • ACCORDING TO DOXIADIS In order to create the cities of the future, we need to systematically develop a science of human settlements. • Ekistics aims to encompass all scales of human habitation and seeks to learn from the archeological and historical record

How does Geographical land forms affect Landuse & Human Settlements.

What are Landforms? •        Landforms are the natural shapes called landforms. •        There are many different types of landforms found on the earth: landforms of continental relief and landforms of coastal relief. Different kinds of landforms? 1)        Plain 2)        Desert 3)        Mountain 4)        Valley 5)        Rivers. 6)        Delta 7)        Glaciers & Ice fields 8)        Canyon 9)        Cape 10)    Island What is a PLAIN? A plain is a flat area on Earth’s surface. EXAMPLE : The Great Plains region of the United States reaches across the vast interior of the country, from the Canadian border in the north to the Mexican border in the south. Portions of the Great Plains have been called "The breadbasket" or "The heartland." Tourists who come to the Great Plains visit places such as Mount Rushmore in South Dakota and Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota.    The Coastal Plains lie